Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that we're in our apartment now, which is way nice. We've been living in a temporary housing/dorm situation for a few weeks because of base housing issues. Even though a lot of our big furniture doesn't get here until next weekend, we still love it. We're super excited to get the rest of our stuff over here, especially since we're just basically sleeping straight on the carpet. Good thing we both are used to that because of camping and such. :) We absolutely love our new place and can definitely see ourselves living here for quite some time. It's such a fun little space and should be really fun to decorate as well. Hoping I can find some cute pieces to go well in here.
We did find a TV stand that someone didn't want, so we got it for free. That's always nice. It needs some work, considering the paint chipping and such. So I'm going to do a bit of painting on it to spruce it up a bit. We'll see where that gets me. Hope I can get some pictures up soon of the progress!
This is my first blog, and to be honest... I have no idea what exactly I'm doing. I just decided I wanted to do something to kind of help people follow what is going on in my life, especially because of the changes recently. About a month ago, I got married to the most amazing guy I could ever hope for (he even deals with my crazy self, so more credit to him.) I also decided to go way out of my comfort zone and move 800 miles away to live with him in New Jersey. Yeah, that's definitely a big difference from Indiana, especially since I've never lived out of the state. It ended up being on of the best decisions I've made. We are currently moving into our wonderful little apartment after being in silly temporary housing on base for nearly a month, so we're pretty excited about that. So yeah, that's about what all is happening right now. Needless to say, it's been quite an interesting, but fantastic month. I'm hoping to get a couple crafting tutorials and such up here as I get them done later on, so we'll see how that goes as well. ♥
- Sara